In his poems, the poet is always flying, joined with the wings of his imagination. T.Erdenetsogt has called his own revolving poetic space his ‘’Sky of mind.’’ In his sky of mind, the time flows, space expands, the horses gallop the snowy mountains rise up, the stars glimmer and the moon gleams. And the autumn hoarfrosts chill the bone, the flower fade, the mind grows melancholy. We realise that there is nothing which is eternal. And so we make offerings to the Buddhas and give pleasure to the shamanic spirits of the State. And so the poet makes the many stars in his sky of mind to shine, which Erdenetsogt himself calls ‘’Turning the Wheel of Pleasures.’’ Throughout Sky of Mind, the poet’s many thousands of waves, his hundreds and hundreds of birds of thought, float as prayers to acknowledge joy and sadness. This is the inner world of the poet, Erdenersogt’s sky of mind, it full of colors and vast waves, it reveals its own special landscape.
Reading Erdenetsogt’s first two published collections, it appeared that he flew free in the poetry of his own sky, that he followed his own imagination. This is what literary scholarship might call a search for a personal style. But in my opinion, it is better understood as a freefall, on the twin wings of wisdom and spirit, a leap into