Let my small sadness send a bird to you.
Let my weak mind make a necklace of wild flowers.
Let my own heart bring tears to my lover’s gaze.
Let my carve strange words in gold and whisper them in your ear.
Love’s red rose,
my bright and royal destiny.
Please protect my desire,
swim in my deep joy.
Let my give to the birds of spring the leaves which fell in autumn.
Let me please with love’s wine the woman who has touched me.
Let me take in my hands the flowers of August for March,
my love, send to me those words I am hoping for.
Love’s red rose,
my bright and royal destiny.
Please proceed, my angel,
into the pure temple of memory.
Though covered by a bright parasol, let me kiss your lips.
Please think that these joys of today will be eternal.
I shall take and caress your delicate hands,
my love, and in days to come let us welcome the run.
winter’s happenings are thite
winter’s gaze is cold
winter’s love is freezing
winter’s tryst is simple
winter’s dreams are dark
winter’s festivities are modest
winter’s separation is pale
18 vi 99
I’ll look away, though
The power of mind
Will not bridle my look.
I’ll hide my love, though
The power of mind
Will not tether my love.
I’ll protect my word’s though
The power of mind
Will not rein in my words.
I’ll speak the truth, though
The power of actions
Will not whip my mind.
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